Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Good Life . . . with creativity!

I’ll be honest with you. I have a creative gene and I’m really proud of it. I’m not extravagantly creative, but I’m pretty decent at making something out of nothing. I don’t know the science behind it but I’m pretty sure that creativity is hereditary and in that case, I got it from my momma. I grew up learning how to sew, being enrolled in piano classes, baking and doing every project under sun for 4-H - if you don’t know what 4-H is you have missed out on one of the most beneficial and positive youth development programs in the US. I owe a lot of my character and abilities to the program.

Over the years I realized creativity has become an outlet for me. Not only was I trained from a young age that creativity can be fun and fulfilling, but I also learned that it can be expressive of who I am without spending a lot of money. I grew up in a small town and we didn’t have money to throw around. We spent it wisely and cautiously. Saying that, none of my creativity outlets cost a lot. Fabric, paint and piano lessons don’t add up to a mortgage payment like some outlets do.

The Good Life for me not only means living in the state known as The Good Life (NE), but instead understanding what makes me happy and pursuing that.
What makes you happy? If it’s a creative outlet, which I'm sure it is, I urge you to pursue that path. Being creative doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money.
It can be anything from:
·      Cooking/Baking
·      Painting
·      Creating music
·      Drawing
·      DIY projects (I recommend Pinterest – it’s not just for women!)
·      Learning a new trade
·      Starting a collection
·      Gardening 
·      Recreating a piece of furniture you already have
·      Blogging
·      Thrifting
           See more below:

Need more inspiration? Start by observing and listening to the world around you. Sometimes we make things harder than they need to be. Start small and don’t be so hard on yourself. No one becomes Picasso overnight nor do you have to share your creativity with others. Practice your skill and start understanding how important growth and improvement is.

Find how good The Good Life can be by introducing creativity into your life. Start with paper and a pen. Pretty sure that’s in all of our budgets.

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